Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Ruben is in the hospital, the first of many I'm afraid. We've know his kidneys are compromised by his diabetes and high blood pressure. He was very swollen and HE asked to go to the doctor. 1:30 he saw his physician; we waited for two hours for the ambulance. I went to Kaiser Hayward and found him in the ER. Doctors, blood draw, chest X-ray, and endless questions. He had a catheter put in to rule out prostrate enlargement.

Finally to the room around 9:30 and I got home at midnight. Back to the hospital today. I don't even want to think about the work piling up with our new data base system.

So no time for quilts. Pugs and kisses

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pinwheel Party

Here is my second block for the pinwheel party. Number three is sitting on my cutting table to get done. I've been so busy with work, that I haven't done much sewing. I hope to quilt all week. Pugs and kisses.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Graduation and Pinwheel Party

Angela received her LVN pin and now waiting to take her boards. She is already working on her RN degree. We are so proud of her.

Here is my first block for Pinwheel party I joined on Twiddletales. The best part was I had all the fabric in my stash. I can't wait for this week's block.

The whole family was sick with pneumonia, ear infections, and other stuff. We are all on the mend now. Pugs and kisses.